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Now I am making the application more stable and will soon start creating new functions: support for pictures (and possibly other media files) and combining several media and assigning them to meta cards.
For example, several episodes of one series can be assigned to a meta card with a cover and a description of this series.
- In the meta settings, there is a dialog with a choice and a quick search by icon.
- Quick filter for meta cards by color.
- Ability to choose which folders to watch.
- Reassign the order of the meta in the navbar. Works only if the navbar is on the side.
- Option to display experimental functions.
- Dynamically updating the size of meta cards when the application is first launched.
- Dynamically updating the meta list.
- Filter by bookmarks for meta cards.
- Initializing the sorting state on the video page.
- The scraper would sometimes show empty values in fields that were already filled in.
- When adding a new playlist, sometimes videos from other playlists were added to it.
- When scraping the data, the image for the last card did not have time to be processed.
- Rating and favorites are displayed in the card description and for meta cards, if the corresponding option is selected.
- The quick filter by the first letter combines the “symbol” and “number” buttons.
- Added separators in navbar.
- Removed setting for meta cards that allowed images to be disabled.
- On meta cards, the meta title tooltip has been replaced with a system tooltip to improve performance.