
  • number of views for performers (you may need to restart the application after the first launch). the preview counts when you open the performer page.
  • sort performers by number of views.
  • manual check for updates in settings tab “about”.


  • clearing videos, tags and etc. in settings tab “database”.
  • selection of items.
  • added pause after scanning each files. Now you can see the progress bar, even if there are no new ones in the process of adding video. Also it removed freezing, if there were a lot of duplicates.
  • Fixed regular expression that determined whether the video path contains. This concerns the process of adding new files. Prior to this, if the folder name contained one of the file extensions, then all the files inside the folder identify as video.


  • VLC player to HTML5 player. Some formats not supported for now. But new player supports 4k and big files.

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