- a small spinner in the status bar that shows the number of processes running in the background. so far there are three such processes: updating the monitored folder, updating data from the video (which starts at a set interval), creating a 3×3 preview grid for the video.
- Parse for all metadata, including multiple items. Now items are parsed along the entire path, not just by folder or file name.
- The highlight of the selected items has become more noticeable. You can set the color yourself in the “accent” color settings.
- Parse selected videos for metadata: performers, tags, websites (so far without additional settings)
- Alternate names for webste
- URL for website
- Number of views for website
- Open URL in browser
- App zoom
- slightly improved video timeline transition in the built-in player. there are still problems when dragging the slider.
- obtaining information about the performer from the “” website. (they changed some parameters on their site)
- copy item name to clipboard
- Website header design