Initially, the search in selections works as follows: to find a tag, you need to enter letters that are in the correct order so that the list of tags is filtered.
For example you are searching tag “Anal”. You entered “an” and select return tags which includes “an” => “ANal”, “blow bANg”. I think you understood this part.
I want to make the search less accurate. This is convenient because you do not need to enter the exact characters and the order of the letters. Let me explain with an example. When you entered “aae” list will be filtered with tags “AnAl gamEs”, “AnAl gapE” etc. (see on screenshot).
This is more convenient, but sometimes it doesn’t work as expected. Do you need this feature?
* I just fixed inaccurate filtering. Now it works as it should. The second voting point will be counted as a vote for the first point.